A Day in the Life of This SLP: What Exactly Do You DO?!

A Day in the Life of This SLP: What Exactly Do You DO?!

Friday, October 23, 2015

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF THIS SLP…the beginning…

As a pediatric SLP... Photo: CCC

As a pediatric SLP… Photo: CCC

In 1986, while working at a hospital as the Chief Speech-Language Pathologist and ordering my new lab coat I, (Lori), was told that the title was too long, that no one would know what we do, that it was too difficult to say…really, more than Nephrologist?…that it was too (insert more reasons). Hmmm, my first lab coat (elsewhere) had it in 1979!? Not deterred and with much perseverance, our lab coats were embroidered with Speech-Language Pathologist above the pocket in, yes, green thread… and guess what? It fit and this was the beginning of an education process for that hospital and one which continues today. 

YES, we “do more than speech!”

A first blogging day in the life of This SLP,


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TBT Addendum: September 22, 2016 ~ Thanks to ASHA, a new link explaining What SLPs Do 



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