What is “Little Ones Rock”?

What is “Little Ones Rock”?

What is “Little Ones Rock?”

Question: What is Little Ones Rock?

Question: How can we participate?

Answers: Read on…

Woo-Hoo! Our new gel pens arrived today! Photo: CCC/LSG

Children’s Communication Center (CCC) is thrilled to introduce you to our #LittleOnesRock campaign.

Little Ones Rock is a little one/family based event in our community, but it certainly can travel from here as word spreads!

It is our way of helping our little ones (and families) transition from summer to school schedules by adding a fun activity. You know play is an important aspect in the lives of our children!

The Speech-Language Pathologist part of me is always present, therefore, it will not surprise any one who knows me that this campaign has a second focus, that of language, literacy, and learning.

CCC’s first #LittleOnesRock theme is dedicated to all that our little ones can Be.

So no surprise, we will start with #BeRocks to express concepts that will fill our little ones (and others) with inspiration, positive thinking, encouragement, and imagination.

We want each little one to embody the concept, therefore, some words are nouns, some are verbs, and some are adjectives.

#BeBRAVE little one Photo: CCC/LSG

Beginning on Saturday, August 12th,  we will feature a letter of the alphabet by sharing photos of the rocks with words highlighting the letter of the day. We will post each day for 26 days on our social media and on day 27 we will share the event finale.

Friends and families will distribute our #BeRocks through the community by placing them in a variety of locations for each of the #AtoZ words. See more below.

Our little ones will benefit and “rock” even more after expanding their understanding and use of our #BeRocks words and concepts.

Special tip, synonyms are one of the best ways to increase your little one‘s vocabulary…So, grab your thesaurus!

Here’s how you can participate:

  1. Provide words in the comment section of our Little Ones Rock posts (on FB or IG) that you would share with little ones: Be ______ (fill in the blank with a word). We are adding new rocks with your suggestions!
  2. If you would like to help place rocks on a specific letter day, tell me the letter. We are starting with ‘A’ rocks on August 12th.
  3. If you are a business which can match up with a Be _____ rock and are on the natural path of little ones & their families, let me know in a PRIVATE message if you’d like a rock at your door.
  4. JOIN US!
  6. Use our #hashtags if you share our event.

Thank you to #TLHRocks for this wonderful community experience. The creative and positive possibilities are endless.

Read more about how the rock painting and its beginning with the Word Rocks Project. 

Contact us for more information!

A colorful day (so many new painting pens) in the life of This SLP,


1 Comment

Opportunity to Donate to Hurricane Devastated Communities – Betton Hills

October 7, 2019 at 9:11 am

[…] is proud to announce their #LittleOnesRock #BeStrong campaign. This is an extension of the #LittleOnesRock #BeRocks and Little Free Library (LFL) efforts which will now focus on supporting our neighboring […]