Community Partner Share: Bourne Brilliant

Community Partner Share: Bourne Brilliant

Look Who YaYa Found in Another Kitchen

While working on a YaYa’s in the Kitchen blog post, I ran across a new page on social media, Bourne Brilliant!

Quickly, I contacted their Mom-in-Chief to learn about her daughters, the Bourne Brilliant sister entrepreneurs, and gain permission to highlight them as a Community Share Partner.

The Bourne Brilliant Story

“Many have asked about our interest in selling plant-based baked goods and beverages. The answers are simple: we want to help others better understand that the body, mind and soul are intimately interconnected. The items we consume should be just as important as the products we use on our skin. Eating a plant-based diet supports healing from within. We encourage you to focus on improving your overall health and well-being by making better and more informed food choices.”

Community Partner Share: Bourne Brilliant

As a pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist who has spent more than 38 years sharing kitchen science during my work day and as the creator of YaYa’s in the Kitchen, I am proud to introduce Lyrica, Zaira & Nadira’s story.

Please join in Children’s Communication Center’s excitement by learning more about their delicious products and support their efforts!

You can find Bourne Brilliant around Tallahassee at the Saturday Downtown Market, at Pop-Up Weekend events, on Facebook and Instagram, or through their Mom-in-Chief’s contact information.

Order now and order often!

Zebra Brites, delish! Photo with permission of Bourne Brilliant

Why This SLP is a YaYa’s in the Kitchen

To learn more about why a pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist would highlight kitchen science read more:

Introducing YaYa’s in the Kitchen

YaYa’s in the Kitchen, Intro Part 2 with the answers to your questions

And then the recipes can be found scrolling through YaYa’s in the Kitchen blog posts.

A community partner share day in the life of This SLP,
