Category Archives: Back to School, College Edition

Philanthropy Share: CCC Supports Autism Speaks U at FSU

What is Autism Speaks U?

Autism Speaks U (ASU) is a collegiate program that began at Penn State University in 2006 and was nationally launched in 2008. Florida State University (FSU) established their Chapter in the Fall of 2014.

ASU supports students, faculty and alumni in their awareness and fundraising efforts for Autism Speaks. Chapters follow the lead of their Presidents and Vice Presidents, who are made up of students on the spectrum, students who have family members or friends on the spectrum, or students who want to make a difference in the autism community.”

CCC is surrounded in BLUE for Autism Awareness

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Back to School, College Edition: Amazing Research at UCF and FSU

With younger students returning to school, our older “children” return to the universities and colleges for another year as well.

During these first weeks, we hear outstanding news from two Florida universities related to break through health discoveries.

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Welcome, FSU Summer Volunteers!

This summer, the Children’s Communication Center welcomes three Florida State University student volunteers – Hope Leardini, Haley Stuart and Samantha Furukawa. Each is interested in learning more about becoming a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) and will shadow Lori Savage Grayson as she meets with her patients.

Learn more about our volunteers:
Hope is a senior double majoring in media communication studies and sociology at Florida State University. She shared that she has a personal reason for her interest and passion for the field of Speech-Language Pathology. Her desire to become an SLP stems from  years of watching her brother, who has autism, work with a variety of professionals. Hope is eager to gain SLP experience so that she can do her part by helping those with speech, language, and communication challenges after her graduation.

Haley is a junior at Florida State University pursing a degree in psychology with a minor in child development. She plans on applying to FSU’s Speech-Language Pathology “Bridge” program and continuing on to graduate school to become an SLP. Haley looks forward to focusing on helping children with hearing loss and apraxia. She can’t wait to see the improvements that she can make in children’s lives through SLP services and is excited to be volunteering with Ms. Lori Savage Grayson this summer!

Samantha is a senior at Florida State University studying to receive a bachelor’s degree in psychology with a minor in Spanish. She plans on becoming a Speech-Language Pathologist and working with children with communication challenges. Currently, she is an active member in Alpha Chi Omega sorority, Psi Chi psychology honor society, and Best Buddies, which works with children with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

We are excited to share with these young women what it’s like during a day in the life of an SLP!

FSU Summer 2016 Volunteers: L to R: Hope, Samantha & Haley

FSU Summer 2016 Volunteers  Photo: CCC (L to R): Hope, Samantha & Haley