Quotables: “Words spoken”

speechbubble.conversation.happyQuotables are those special words shared by my “friends” as we work together or as told to me. I share these moments which capture the “trials & tribulations” and maybe more importantly, the beauty, complexity & flexibility of human communication, no matter one’s age. ~ Lori

“Listen to how loud the quiet is.” ~ Referring to the sound, or lack of, at Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings’ House in Cross Creek, Florida ~ AJ, 12 years, 2000

ZR: “I willn’t…”

Me: “It’s won’t.”

ZR: “What? Why!?”

Me: “Good question!”

~ ZR, age 3, 1997

“The tire’s only flat on the bottom!” ~  AJ, 10 years, 1998 ~ Looking at the car’s flat tire. 

“We don’t really do much, all we do is talk.”  ~ As told to me by parents whose son was working with me to improve his social communication & conversational skills. ~ CK, 20 years, Summer 2014

“My doll is only 1, she doesn’t talk, she can only read my sight words I am teaching her.” ~ Introducing her American Doll to me. ~ IC, 6 years, June 2015 

CC:  “What’s your name, I forget?”

Me: “Ms. Grayson.”

CC: “Oh, but you look like Miss Lori!?”

~ CC, 4 years, 2013 

Older Sister: “I’m wearing an [NFL Team] shirt, and brother is too!”

Younger Brother: “No, I’m THREE!”

~ LG, age 6 & DG, age 3, January 2014

GC: “Look at my puzzle!”

Me: ” I see it, it’s a world puzzle and here is Tallahassee.”

GC: “No YaYa, that’s not Tallahassee, it’s Florida!”

~ GC, age 3, July 2015 

Another example of the power of words: An older sibling, age 5, takes his younger brother’s apple…the younger child, age two, decides to defend himself…uh-oh, by choosing to hit his older brother…at which time he (the hitter) is placed in time-out. Now, it’s important to know this 2-year-old is working on developing a single word vocabulary and recently started SLP services (in another state, otherwise, it would be with Me!)…next after about a minute, this newly speaking 2-year-old says, “Daddy out!” AND, here it is…the power of words, of communicating, of being able to say what you want &  need. I do believe our 2-year-old is on his way to becoming a verbal communicator. And hopefully, he will find the power to use more words rather than “hitting” when he is next frustrated & keep his hands for gentle helping moments (fingers crossed)…(While not the point of this “story”, I hear you asking about who started the situation… YES, these parents dealt with their older son about taking the apple, apologies were exchanged and a hug (from the 2-year-old) to “say” he was sorry too! ~ In the journal today, 08/05/15, JW uses his first 2- word phrase! As related to me by a happy Mom! ~ CW, age 5 & JW, age 2, August 2015

Me: “I am enjoying the story you are telling with the farm set.”

IC: “I am not telling a story, I am PLAYING!” 

~ IC, age 6

“You are very patient!” Shared by a new friend during his 2nd hour of testing with LSG, September 2015

Shared by a high-school friend, Cheryl, on her FB page & added here with her permission:                                                                                              

I [Cheryl] was teaching 2nd grade and my mother the movie buff was visiting.

A 7-year-old said to my mother, “My aunt is an actress in movies.”

“Ooh,” said my mom. “What movies? Can you name any?”

“One was called Parent Trap,” said the student.

“Is your aunt Maureen O’Hara?” my mom asked.


“Hm. Can you name another movie she was in?”

“Quiet Man.”

Mother looks at me, “With Maureen O’Hara.” “Honey, is your aunt Maureen O’Hara?”



Mother tries once again. “Do you know any other movies she’s been in?”

Child: “Miracle on 34th Street.”

My mother to me “With Maureen O’Hara!” To child, “Honey, are you SURE your aunt is not Maureen O’Hara?”

“I’m sure.”

Well what IS your aunt’s name?”

“Aunt Maureen.”

True story, yes. Next day girl’s mom wrote to me indeed her aunt (great-aunt actually) was Maureen O’Hara. 

RIP, “Aunt Maureen.”

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