My Perspective: Beating the Odds

Beating the Odds!

August 12, 2015

Often when parents contact this Center they have been told their child (pick any or add your own) will not be able to talk, will not be able to attend school, will not be able to read, will not be able to write, will not be able to learn, will not be able to graduate from high school, will not be able to make friends, will not be able to go to college, will not be able to be employed, will not be able to live independently & on and on.

AND, yes, challenges do pose “limits” but are limits, limitations?

I say, NO! And one’s success should not be measured by where one is, but by the achievements achieved and where one is heading next.

Each of the children I have seen over the past 36 years reminds me of Hercules, proving that few things are truly impossible and choosing to “fight the good fight” and to achieve.

Hercules is the Hero for the day! Lori 

NOTE: This video is from Nov. 2014 and while it shows an “attack” there is no visible blood (although surely there were wounds!).


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