My Perspective: The Power of Words, Albeit Two

An example of the power of words: An older sibling, age 5, takes his younger brother’s apple…the younger child, age two, decides to defend himself…uh-oh, by choosing to hit his older brother…at which time he (the hitter) is placed in time-out. Now, it’s important to know this 2-year-old is working on developing a single word vocabulary and recently started SLP services (in another state, otherwise, it would be with Me!)…next after about a minute, this newly speaking 2-year-old says, “Daddy out?!” [as in, Daddy, I want to get out of time-out! & Can I get out of time-out?] AND, here it is…the power of words, of communicating, of being able to say what you want & need. I do believe our 2-year-old is on his way to becoming an effective & efficient verbal communicator. And hopefully, he will find the power of his words to be stronger than “hitting” when his frustrations emerge & he will keep his hands for gentle helping moments (let’s keep our fingers crossed)…While not the point of this “story”, I hear you asking about who started the situation… YES, these parents dealt with their older son about taking the apple, apologies were exchanged, & a hug (from the 2-year-old) to “say” he was sorry too! ~ In the journal today: JGW uses his first 2-word phrase! As related to me by a happy Mom! ~ CKW, age 5, & JGW, age 2 ~ August 5, 2015


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