Early Social Skills Lead to Later Life Successes!

Early Social Skills Lead to Later Life Successes!

Category : Blog , The Art of Playing

Early Social Skills Lead to Later Life Successes

From the PBS News Hour, 07/16/15:

“A new study says keeping more children on track to high school graduation, a full-time job and out of the criminal justice system could start in kindergarten…

…Researchers tracked more than 700 children from kindergarten to age 25.

Early Social Skills...








They found students’ social skills, like cooperation, listening to others and helping classmates, held strong clues for how those children would fare two decades later. In some cases, social skills may even be better predictors of future success than academic ones.”

To learn more about social skills, please read, Ms. Grayson’s articles:

This Center offers services addressing social communication skills. Contact us for more information.

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