Better Hearing & Speech Month – Capital City Pedicabs Interview

Better Hearing & Speech Month – Capital City Pedicabs Interview

Category : Autism , Blog

 May 2016

Thank you to Mike Goldstein of Capital City Pedicabs who interviewed Lori about the Children’s Communication Center’s participation with Better Hearing & Speech Month! Below is an excerpt from her interview with Mike on the Capital City Pedicabs blog.

“Mike, I want to begin by thanking you for allowing me to participate in this interview and for your hosting Children’s Communication Center during “Better Hearing & Speech Month” (BHSM). I am proud to be an ambassador for the American-Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) as we celebrate this month long event.

May is dedicated to increasing awareness & understanding of communication development & disorders and the beneficial roles that Speech-Language Pathologists & Audiologists, as well as the speech and hearing researchers, play in the lives of more than 40 MILLION Americans (birth to adult) experiencing communication challenges.

This Center is sponsoring a May is Better Hearing & Speech Month event on Facebook which will allow us to share success stories, quotables, weekly activities, daily tidbits, informational posts, community “coupons” and more!”

A wonderful month in the life of this SLP,




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