A Day in the Life of This SLP: Annoyance or Talent?

A Day in the Life of This SLP: Annoyance or Talent?


“What if a kid’s most annoying trait is their biggest talent in disguise?”

Thank you, Josh Shipp, for asking this question.

As an SLP,

I deal with this question daily in my  Speech-Language Pathology professional life working with those who have attention, speech, language, academic, social & overall communication challenges.

Sadly, my SLP friends are often perceived and described as “annoying”.


Each pair of eyes may see a different perspective. Often, our adult perspective skews how we view our children/teens actions. Try another perspective…

I quickly learned to strive to identify & develop each area of interest (strength), often seen as an “annoyance”, and move forward to harness its positive potential while at the same time, strengthening areas of need

In my more than 36 years of experience, this approach doesn’t exacerbate the “annoyances” or limit exposure to new information.

Rather, this approach develops trust and respect at the onset and yields progress for each SLP friend. Each strength offers a foundation which can be expanded to incorporate the desired Speech-Language Pathology goals and objectives while addressing the areas of need.

(Yes, it is true that some annoyances are not talents, but this is a topic for another day. Remember, this concern can be addressed as well.)

“Every kid is ONE caring adult away from being a success story.” I know this to be true, both personally and professionally, and agree with you, Josh Shipp.

I strongly believe, “We should all aim to be that adult!”

Please take the time to watch Josh Shipp’s TedX talk which inspired this blog post.

You will be able to see how Mr. Shipp’s question: “What if a kid’s most annoying trait is their biggest talent in disguise?”  can be asked and answered daily.

A caring day in the life of This SLP,

Lori       “Together, we are making a difference!”

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