YaYa’s in the Kitchen: Gooey Goop & Slippery Slime

YaYa’s in the Kitchen: Gooey Goop & Slippery Slime

YaYa’s in the Kitchen explores language, learning, and social communication interaction in one of the most successful and natural ways, through fun in the kitchen!


For as long as I can remember, my sharing of cooking, baking, and kitchen science have been integral to my life as a ASHA certified Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP).

My “friends” may experience a wide range of speech-language-communication challenges, including autism, oral language disorders, stuttering, speech articulation needs, written language, social communication needs, and more.

At this Center, YaYa’s activities are a favorite and through these activities the speech-language-communication goals and objectives can be addressed and achieved.

This recipe only requires three “food” ingredients, a bowl, a plastic zip bag, cloths for spills, a camera, and friends ready for some science fun.

Watch as the cornstarch goes from a fine powder to a gooey goop or slippery slime!

Using index cards to organize the sequence of events, label and read, and begin…

Mix with your hands to get the full experience of the liquid v. solid consistencies.

Save it in a bag for later or to share. You can also play with it in the bag and get it to change consistency and shape.

It looks messy, but it cleans up easily!

Follow YaYa’s in the Kitchen for more cooking, baking, and science family moments and create memories together!


YaYa, that’s me, Lori 

Many parents have contacted this Center to thank us for this “recipe” after reading about potential health risks with other recipes, to learn more read this article from Parents, Teen Are Hoarding Borax & Glue to Make Slime – But Is It Safe? 

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