Language, Literacy & Learning in Fourth Grade

Language, Literacy & Learning in Fourth Grade

Language, Literacy & Learning

When our Director and Founder, Lori Savage Grayson, is asked why she promotes campaigns related to literacy, she responds by explaining the benefits of early exposure to words, both spoken and written, on a child’s language development.

Since language is the foundation for literacy and learning, a stronger language foundation culminates with increased success at school and in academics.

Better Hearing & Speech Month (BHSM), a national event celebrated each May by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and the certified Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP) and Audiologists, highlights many topics including the importance of talking and reading to your child from infancy.

Welcome May 1st!

Children’s Communication Center continues to highlight and focus on the importance of educating parents and the community on early language development, literacy, and learning through several campaigns.

Many asked, “Why? What does Speech-Language Pathology have to do with reading?” We believe it will be come clearer as you read on.

BHSM Celebration May 2018

Our Little Free Library Trio

Last year, this Center dedicated our Little Free Library (LFL) trio during our events for BHSM and Take Your Parents to the Playground.

Our Center donated the LFLs to the City of Tallahassee’s Park and Recreation Department with Winthrop Park’s playground as the chosen location.

This neighborhood playground is near our Center, is where the Grayson’s sons, Adam and Zachary, played as young children, and the park where they participated in baseball leagues. Learn more about the importance of the art of playing.

Our Little Free Library trio houses books for birth through grand/parents!

Winthrop is know to be a busy park and clearly the perfect location to enjoy family play time and share a book and borrow a book from our LFLs.

Little Ones Rock Campaign

During the summer of 2017, we found a painted rock with a heart in our LFL. This developed into our Little Ones Rock Be Rocks from A to Z campaign. Each hand painted rock is filled with words of inspiration, positive thinking, encouragement, and imagination. Again, focusing on a family activity that promotes language, literacy, and learning!

Little Ones Rock started at our Little Free Library trio with a gifted heart rock!

Talking and Reading Aloud

Now, we are proud to partner with the Read Aloud national campaign as a combined effort with ASHA for BHSM activities and beyond.

Together, we are emphasizing the benefits of talking and reading to your children from infancy! The slogan is simple: Read aloud 15 minutes. Every child. Every parent. Every day. 

Language and Literacy

Language development begins at birth and you can read more about these skills for your child: Birth to 3 months, 4 to 6 months, 7 to 12 months, 1 to 2 years3 to 4 years, and 4 to 5 years.

Your Child’s Reading and Writing, ASHA, Let’s Talk

Literacy and Fourth Grade

Before you know it, your child will be heading to Fourth Grade. This is what you can expect during the year of school regarding literacy skills.

Language, Literacy & Learning in Fourth Grade, BHSM

How Can You Participate?

Please join us by visiting our LFLs, searching for our Little Ones Rock, and donating to our Philanthropy Share campaigns to collect books for local fundraisers eager to put new books in the hands of children and families.

Quote: Lori Savage Grayson

If you have concerns regarding your child’s development, contact us.

We are available to provide consultations, diagnostic evaluations and SLP intervention services.